Introduction to
Pre-Hospital Ultrasound Course
Introduction to
Pre-hospital Ultrasound Course
On this one day course supported by the latest GE PoCUS units, participants will be exposed to how point-of-care ultrasound can impact clinical decision making in the acutely injured trauma patient.
Course Content:
Introductory ultrasound operation and its use
The eFAST exam (extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma) which is used to assist in detecting intra-abdominal bleeding, cardiac tamponade, and haemo/pneumothorax
An approach to clinical integration of ultrasound findings in trauma patients specific to the pre-hospital environment
Participants will gain a new and exciting appreciation for how ultrasound can enhance clinical decision making, the actual relative anatomy of internal organs in live patients, and the benefits and limitations of ultrasound examination informed by the latest literature and evidenced based practices.
Unlike traditional ultrasound courses, this course is specifically designed for the challenges of the pre-Hospital environment.
Included in the course:
Course includes pre-learning pack, PoCUS Card, lunch, refreshments and certification.
Course will include live scanning so students should come dressed in sensible and safe clothing.
Our PoCUS courses are delivered exclusively by healthcare professionals with extensive experience of utilising ultrasound in their clinical practice.
Who is this course for?
The Introduction to pre-hospital trauma ultrasound course is ideal for Paramedics, Foundation and Core Training Doctors, and Trainee Practitioners interested in PHEM, who haven’t yet undergone formal ultrasound training.
It’s also a fantastic refresher for clinicians who want to become more confident in their basic emergency ultrasound skills.
If you are unsure - please contact our team today!