DipIMC Study Day
The DipIMC Study Day
A 2 day course run only by an experienced team of multi-disciplinary pre-hospital clinicians who have all passed the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care Diploma in Immediate Medical Care (DipIMC) examination in very recent years.
This course is designed to make you aware of the subjects and levels that you need to guide your own ongoing personal study and preparation time.
It also prepares you for the processes and styles of examination used for both the written and OSCE elements.
As healthcare professionals and following discussions with the FPHC examination board we can confirm that NO information that the FPHC would consider in any way as written Exam or OSCE content will be revealed.
Content Includes:
Trauma study session
Cardiac study session
Medical study session
Other topics of interest
Trauma practical session
Cardiac practical session
Medical practical session
OSCE practice stations x 5
Mock MCQ
Mock OSCEs
Extensive contact & Q&A sessions with the Faculty (Noting FPHC Examination guidelines)
For more information email education@enhancedcareservices.co.uk
These study days are delivered exclusively by Emergency and Critical Care Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics who have completed the DipIMC.
Who is this course for?
This course is aimed at those sitting the FPHC DipIMC examination within the next 12 months.
If you are unsure - please contact our team today!