Advanced Paediatric Life Support Course
Advanced Paediatric Life Support Course
The APLS course provides the knowledge and skills necessary for recognition and effective treatment and stabilisation of children with life threatening emergencies using a structured, sequential approach.
The course focuses on treating the seriously ill or injured child using a structured approach; with emphasis on key physiological differences compared to adults.
The structured approach focuses the clinician on resuscitation, emergency treatment followed by continual stabilisation and transfer to a definitive care environment.
APLS aims to teach, practice and test the acquisition and use of these technical skills. In addition, the human factors that generate the highest quality and safest health care provision are considered.
Course Content
1 day of e-learning followed by a 2-day face-to-face course comprising:
Welcome, aims & setting the scene
Demonstrations & interactive sessions
Assessing & managing the serious ill child
Structured approach to the seriously injured child
Cardiac simulation & skills
Skill & simulation sessions
Serious illness simulation & skills
Serious injury simulation & skills
Cardiac simulation and skills including review and continual assessment
Our APLS course is delivered exclusively by Paediatricians, Emergency Doctors, Nurses and Paramedics who are experienced in managing the acutely unwell or injured child.
This APLS course includes a flexible one-day online component (VLE) and a two-day face-to-face course.
This course is aimed at any clinican who regularly asseses and treats the acutely unwell or injured child including Paediatricians, Emergency Department Doctors and Senior Nursing staff and Practitioners.