Generic Instructor Course (GIC)
Generic Instructor Course
The Generic Instructor Course (GIC) trains potential instructors in the principles of adult learning. It provides the skills necessary to train other Healthcare Professionals in a range of course including ALS, EPALS, APLS and MIIMMS. This course is a collaboration between the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG).
The GIC comprises a day of e-learning followed by a two day face-to-face course. Details of how to access the e-learning modules and candidate teaching assignments will be provided following booking onto the course.
Please note that this course is only open to those candidates who have been identified as having Instructor Potential (IP) by the RC(UK) or ALSG following successful completion on provider courses.
Following successful completion of this course, Candidates must teach on two provider courses as an Instructor Candidate (IC) prior to completion of their qualification. This must be done within two years of completion of the GIC course.